Character designs and proposal illustrations for the feature film, Pride & Prejduce & Zombies.

Male Zombie Transformation (Part 1 of 2):
Stage 00: Healthy human
Stage 01: Recently afflicted human
Stage 02: Greatly afflicted human

Male Zombie Transformation (Part 2 of 2):
Stage 03: Full-blown zombie

Zombie Character Designs:
A decomposed male zombie (with entrails tailcoat) & a young male zombie (with a powdered wig and coins [Charon's Obol] over his eyes).

Zombie Character Designs:
A fancy female zombie (with rib cage corset and entrails ballroom gown) & a female zombie hand (with painted finger nails) & a female peasant zombie (with naturalistic detail [moss and ivy]).

Zombie Character Designs:
A zombie horse (with katana battle damage) & an elderly overweight male zombie (with a powdered wig).

Zombie Character Designs:
Charlotte Lucas' Leg (with bite and Stage 01 zombieism) & a severed male zombie head (with false wooden teeth).

Zombie Character Design:
A badly decomposed skeletal zombie.

Zombie Movement Studies (Male):
Male unmentionables are a terrible and ghastly sight. Strong, brutish and completely unhinged, they strongly resemble bears or bounding apes. Despite their terrible strength, they tend to stumble gracelessly, often impending their own progress. Further, thanks to their reckless nature, they appear more prone to self-injury, often resulting in more rapid decomposition than their female counterparts.

Zombie Movement Studies (Female):
In many ways, female unmentionables can be more dangerous than their male counterparts. Though they are more physically frail, they tend to carry themselves with greater grace. Despite their affliction, they can be seen running at break-neck speeds, bounding across land akin to a wounded deer or a predatory lioness.

EXT. Church - Graveyard - Sunset:
A series of unmentionables begin to emerge from shallow graves.
Zombie Character Designs:
Mrs. Long (Stage 01 - Stage 02 zombieism) & a male zombie (with moderate decomposition).

EXT. Estate - Afternoon:
A horde of unmentionables erupt from the woods. Swarming across the countryside, they swiftly overwhelm the grounds of a stately manor.

INT. Netherfield Kitchen - Night:
Panel 01: Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy descend into the basement of Netherfield Manor. As they travel, they use candles to light their passage.
Panel 02: Tension - both sexual and suspenseful - is high between Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet.
Panel 03: Butler Edwin is beset upon by unmentionables before being dragged off into the darkness.

INT. Netherfield Kitchen - Night:
Mr. Darcy turns to face Lizzy Bennet as tension begins to build.
EXT. Countryside - Road - Sunset:
The Bennet family travels within a carriage as Mr. Bennet rides "shotgun" alongside a coachman. While the coachman cracks his whip, Mr. Bennet passively wields his Brown Bess. Kitty daydreams wistfully as they travel through the countryside.
In addition to the setting sun, lanterns hang from the side of the carriage, casting the Bennet family in warm, orange light.

EXT. Church - Graveyard - Sunset:
EXT. Countryside - Road - Sunset:One-to-two dozen unmentionables begin to encircle our heroes. As they have all been buried with funerary coins, their eyes glow like wolves in the setting sun.
Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth Bennet disembark from the carriage, readying for a fight. As she steps out from the carriage, Lizzy reveals an eastern influenced Regency era dress. After she has unsheathed her katana, Mr. Bennet readies his Brown Bess.
Kitty passively on-looks from the safety of the overridden carriage.
Autumn leaves fall around the scene, greatly reminiscent of Japanese cherry blossoms.